Join the vision!
I love art. I enjoy absorbing art. But nothing comes close to creating art and releasing it to the world to live, to bloom, to bring joy and to evoke sparkles in the mind.
I was developing a concept. A thread leading through my art. Not pulling, just connecting the dots dancing around embraced by the turbulences of a whispering wind. A thread that helps you, the viewer and reader, understand and find orientation. In the world of art a plethora is released daily. The human being seeks to create, to share, to connect. I was aiming for a concept that reflects my personality and my likes and is able to stand out or better make a difference in this world of cruel and convenient civilization. A world that is becoming more and more destructive and uniform.
I got seduced by the idea of “green”. Green like nature that in the modern world has become more something like an imagination rather than a companion. And a companion we want it to be. Don’t we?
Wanting to build the “Greenhouse”, I share with you my thoughts and my process. The Greenhouse that opens its doors to nature and humanity and becomes a space of silence for us to contemplate or to create or just to enjoy. We could easily fill it with happiness and excitement. So the “green” thread seemed to be a good idea.
I have to share with you that green is not my favorite color. I love everything red toned. I love green only on nature. Inspired by a dearly beloved friend, I started observing my surroundings and taking pictures of everything that caught my attention and said: “Hello, come closer! I am a part of your ‘green’ nature or ‘green’ concept to be.”
Calling myself a digital artist, I altered those pictures on my digital device. I turned words into poems. I did not ask if they like it. I just declared them as such and wished for you to enjoy and maybe to like them. In the space of a virtual and very impactful world, a world that is becoming more influential than reality, I placed my digital art and my words to keep holding each others allegoric hands, while looking for friends in order to become more. More than just art and words. The goal was and is to become culture. A culture that cultivates the terrain, so that they can be placed carefully for you to visit enjoy and support. Let’s support each other in that way and create the desired space.
And all in the name of love. Creating for a wish to come true. Creating for peace of mind. Manifesting the promise in a very pleasant way. A way of demanding rights and space in a cruel but nevertheless desired world. And what we desire the most, what we dream of, we have to create.
Standing on this point of view and having this perspective, I started to create and to share, here on Medium and on Twitter, the very well known social platform making headlines again. There you can find me @AmerryBurns (external link). My headline is yet to be created, but a small green thread started emerging out of nothing.
My concept has to take a turn, a twist that is different. Too much green in the social media. As if this planet tries to capture every leaf that dares to grow. Changing color would be nice. Being green in a different way. Probably back to the not existing roots. This is me wanting to be unique and some kind of valuable. So I changed my approach of manifesting the “Greenhouse”. I turned the “green” into what I like to call gold. It is all kinds of orange shades really. But let’s imagine the gold together. What do you think?
The goal is still the same. The concept is wearing another dress. A more refined one. You might call it elegant, you might call it fancy or you just might fancy it. Please choose the latter.
The colder “green” is now replaced by a warm orange allowing those veins of the leaf, that is one of the protagonists in my art, to shine in different colors, leaving traces on this orangy golden path it creates, for you, to come along.
And there is more to come. The journey has just begun. Join the vision!