The Reminder of the Green

AMerry Burns
4 min readJan 10, 2023


“The race against time, can we ever win it? Why do we engage in that race anyway? The only reason could be gravity. One day, we will wake up, we will take a look in the mirror and then we will realize that we are lost in between wrinkles. It would be good if we would have done something by then. Something important. Something valuable. Something we are proud of.” She was holding a loud monologue to herself.

“Don’t get lost in the small things. Those that make you look like a midget. Engage! Engage with life. I am telling you this, just because I want to hear it. Not much time left. When you set your deadlines you always forget, that there is an ultimate one. And nothing is worse than realizing, that now it is too late.” Her voice was becoming hoarse.

“There is that now that seduces us with opportunities and there is that now that leaves you standing in front of closed doors.” Now she was just thinking words.

“We dive deep in our thoughts and many times we get lost in them. Some we love, some we fear, some … ,” she was drifting away. Thinking all kinds of feelings. Feeling them. Getting lost in time.

She closed her eyes. Trying to catch reality. Like waking up from a dream. A dream she was not dreaming. Just feeling. Like getting haunted by a repetition she tried to avoid so desperately.

“I do not want to change anyone. Change comes from within. If there is a necessity and if there is will, then we jump on that electric car. The one without wheels, just a gentle driver asking for directions. And then we tell the driver destination and preferred route. Sometimes, we hand out a roadmap. By doing that we need to trust. If we don’t trust we feel uncomfortable. If we do trust we could face betrayal.” She was listening to her inner voice, carried away by her own words. It was as if a ghost was talking to her.

She embraced the place where her heart lived and then she continued: “And now I will share with you the most important thing. The one that enables us to meet, when the goal is reached. To meet and celebrate. To feel that like-mindedness and be happy. Until now, we just tried to make ends meet. Fighting against gravity and other laws of Newton. Ignoring every power beyond those laws. The important ‘thing’ looks like an ancient Greek God, with a beard. His name is “The Reminder”. Every time you forget your destiny and engage in despair and anxiety, “The Reminder” touches you gently. And you, you then realize you are in an electric vehicle and the driver never stops. You handed him the right roadmap, hopefully. The goal is approaching. Inexorably. How will you face it? In what condition will you be in? What will you present as a gift, to make the divine energy flow in your favor?

“The Reminder is too pedestrian for you? You can give this God another name. You can call him Zeus or Poseidon or Hades if you like. Call him by his name and he will be your companion. If you don’t like the beard, change the name into Aphrodite or in Athena. Any name would be fine. All they have to do is stay silent and remind you when necessary,” she said half joking, half nostalgic.

While the sun was rising and the light was getting brighter, she started sharing words with her new notebook. She gave that notebook a name as well. One could not understand what she mumbled but it sounded like: “My silent word recorder”. She put the pen down and looked outside the window.

“I hope you feel well my love,” she said while watching the wind playing carelessly with those leaves that stayed persistently and green on the bushes. “I hope you will be free.”

And she was hoping the wind would carry those words and deliver them where they belonged.

She confronted herself with that urgency again. “Back to creation. Creating a change.”

It was a change that started within her and expanded from her to a place without limits.

The year gave her an opportunity, a deadline and a God with a beard. She would grab that opportunity, dance with that deadline, and wink at Zeus. Secretly she baptized him “The Reminder of the Green”. She did not know if he would like it. But she did not know if he would like the “Zeus” either. What she knew was he did not only remind her when she got lost in her million thoughts, he also reminded her to change and to use her chance.

The chance to create is given to those who realize that only love can make Green grow and humans glow.

The Reminder of the Green



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