The sound of nothing

AMerry Burns
2 min readOct 30, 2022


It is one of those days. The sounds of nothing are adding up. A Sunday morning. She should prepare to go to work, but she is sitting there on the floor listening.

An airplane in the distance is crossing the sky. It interrupts. It interrupts the sound of nothing. It brings her back to reality.

“Reality is not real,” she thinks.

“I will create my own reality. It has a new feature. A place for two distant souls to meet, to come closer, to embrace each other. How do you like that, my love?”

Inspiration is everywhere.

Now it is here knocking on the door.

Now it disappears, fleeing through the closed window.

“And you my love, with all your impacted and adjusted life, adjusted to your terms, to your own reality, what are you up to at the moment. Are you well? I will leave the house in two hours. Of course you are with me as always. Let’s take some pictures! The way to work is long.”

The sound of silence is back. Prominent. Covered in grey.

“Noise,” she thinks.

“Give me some noise!”

“Some beautiful noise.”

“To make up for the words I lost.”

The Greenhouse is waiting. It desires to get filled. Especially with those two. Those strange and special ones. From another world. A distant one. One with colours of nothingness. They put their feet on planet earth. Searching for humanity. Searching for each other. One day, we will meet them there. In the Greenhouse. In a “lovely” green niche — whatever that “lovely” may mean to you — getting lost in a kiss, just to find themselves again.

“Maybe,” she thinks.

The floor does not want her anymore.

Stand up! Stand up straight! Think! Do! One step, then the next one. Don’t wait! Leave gravity behind. Walk! Rise above!

Was that noise coming out of nothingness?

She stood up.

“Stop listening, start talking!” she said to herself.

“How about writing for a start! Would writing be okay?”

“It is what it is.”



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