Welcome the Greenhouse!

AMerry Burns
Nov 5, 2022


A place of stillness.

A place of contemplation.

A place where art, nature and a progressive way of integrating technology into a spiritual life of complicated easiness merge.

Unify is the motto.

Let’s become one.

One soul.

One heart.

One progressive thought.

Enjoy, listen, assimilate.

Connect with yourself.

Connect with the like-minded.

Connect with diversity.

Unify, simplify, inhale, expand, heal, heal yourself, heal your surroundings, embrace growth, abandon ballast, and be, just be!

Enjoy being!

Love is the driving force.

Love makes a wish come true.

Heal, thrive, unify.

Meet the other you in you.

Meet the unique me in me.

Meet the soulmate you were searching for.

Together we travel.

Together we arrive.

Together we are.

We live, we love, connectable, expandable, enjoyable.

Welcome the Greenhouse!



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